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Mon 13 May 2024
156th PIFW: Current Trends, Future Success: Navigating the 2024 Investment Market
2024's Top 4 Investment Hotspots: Where to Focus Your Capital

2024's Top 4 Investment Hotspots: Where to Focus Your Capital


1 - Real Estate:


"Suburban commercial real estate is set for a significant uptick," asserts Anthony Jarrin, CEO at The Cannaregio Group, US. This trend aligns with increasing suburban migration and a rise in investment in these areas, which, according to a report by the Urban Land Institute, have seen a 15% increase in investment compared to 2022.


2 - Agriculture and Farming:


"Sustainable agriculture is on the rise, moving from niche to mainstream," says Nagaraja Prakasam, Partner at Acumen Fund, India. Werner Schuenemann of Xandance & Partners, Switzerland, adds, "Agriculture, often underestimated, is vital for feeding an expanding global population, projected to exceed 8.5 billion. It's a diverse sector and essential worldwide." This shift is evident in consumer preferences, with a growing demand for sustainable products as reported by a 2023 survey, where 60% of consumers favored products from sustainable sources.


3 - Healthcare:


In healthcare, Werner Schuenemann of Xandance & Partners, Switzerland, highlighted the rapid growth of telemedicine. With the global telemedicine market predicted to expand significantly, driven by technological advancements, there are substantial opportunities in the sector. This growth is underpinned by the increasing use of healthcare IT solutions, offering a promising outlook for this market.


4 - Renewable Energy:


The renewable energy sector, especially hydrogen, is rapidly evolving," notes Nagaraja Prakasam, Partner at Acumen Fund, India. With increasing global emphasis on sustainability, the International Energy Agency reported a 10% increase in renewable energy capacity in 2023, reinforcing the growth in this sector.


The 156th PIFW was a great success. It provided exceptional networking opportunities, enabling attendees to establish valuable connections with fellow investors and broaden their networks. The event also facilitated interactions with industry experts, revealing new pathways for growth and success in 2024.

Participants mentioned in the article
Werner Schuenemann
Managing Partner
Xandance & Partners
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